Bristol Philatelic Society had this news article published in the Winter 2021 of ABPS News.
Our society have honoured David Hooper for his long and incredible service by bestowing upon him Honorary Life Membership.
David has, in the past, been a dealer in modern GB. His collecting interests include BristolPostal Memorabilia, with a fascinating range of Bristol Firsts. Commendably, David and John Edwards, both nonagenarians and honorary life members, continue to take up arms in competitions against us young upstarts.

Bristol Fashion:
Our prolific gatherer of silverware, John Roe, was invited to present his impressive GB ‘lilac & greens’ display at STAMPEX 2021, in London recently. Chris Harman, Chair of the Great Britain Philatelic Society, commenting on John’s display, explained that this was, though a ‘tough to collect area, a superb, lovely all round collection’ and that the ‘hard to come by proof and colour trial material was beautiful’. John is the Philatelic Co-ordinator at the Bath Postal Museum. Why not combine a West Country soiree to the museum on a Thursday, 11.00 – 16.00 (booking advisable 01225 460333), Bath having been the centre for Ralph Allen’s reformation of the British postal system. Then, having dined, allow yourself to be entertained by the Bristol P.S at one of our (7.15 for 7.30) fortnightly shindigs. Please advise us of your visit (01275 839224) so that we can welcome you in true Bristol Fashion.
Ron Gillard
Dates for diaries:-
January 6th – One-Page Competition and all attendees vote.
20th – President’s Mystery Evening (means he hasn’t decided what yet).
February 10th – Probable visit and displays by our neighbours from the Newport P.S.
24th – Hands On John. An evening in the hands of John Roe.
March 4th (Friday) – We visit Thornbury P.S with our presentations.
24th – Bohemia & Moravia. James Hooper’s fascinating display.
April 21st – The Ups & Downs of Parachuting by Barry Stagg.
May 5th – Postal Rates presented by Brian Purcell.
19th – AGM & 16-Page Competition.
June 9th – We’re off to the Bechuanalands with Tony Stanford.