20/January Free Open Evening

20/January Free Open Evening COLLECT STAMPS? Stow-aways Uncovered and a Secret Panel Revealed Free Open Evening 7:30pm, Thursday, 20th January The Meeting Room, Redland Park United Reform Church, 1, Redlands Park Road, Bristol, BS6 6HA….

21/Dec ABPS News article

Bristol Philatelic Society had this news article published in the Winter 2021 of ABPS News. Honoured: Our society have honoured David Hooper for his long and incredible service by bestowing upon him Honorary Life Membership….

6/OCT Latest Newsletter

6/Oct The latest edition of the society newsletter has just been put on the site, you will find it on the newsletter page which can be accessed at the bottom of the home website page….

13/Oct Zoom presentation on Libya

13/Oct – Newport have invited all Bristol Society members to attend their next Zoom meeting being held on the 13th October at 19:00pm. This will be a presentation by Roy Bentley on “Libya”. Please contact…

8/Sep Auguste Piccard

8/Sep A Zoom presentation on Auguste Piccard by Les Ashton-Smith. Newport GPS have invited all local societies to join their zoom meeting on the 8th September at 19:00 pm which will feature a presentation by…

25/Aug Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island

25/Aug – Newport are inviting all neighbouring societies to join their Zoom meeting which has a presentation by Richard Moss on Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island. Please contact our secretary Arlene for the meeting…

28/Jul Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika

28/Jul – Newport are inviting all neighbouring societies to join their Zoom meeting which has an a presentation by Roger Gilbert of Cardiff Society on Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika (KUT), flaws and varieties 1890-1948. Please…

23/Jun Slania’s Popular Engravings

23rd Jun the next zoom meeting from Newport is entitled “Slania’s popular Engravings” and is given by Graham Bean of Newport Society. Slania is one of the world’s most prolific stamp engravers and many of…